Ole Kristian Dyskeland

Ole Kristian Dyskeland

PhD Research Scholar

NHH Norwegian School of Economics

About me

I’m a PhD Research Scholar in ‘Business Economics’ at the Department of Business and Management Science at NHH Norwegian School of Economics. I am an affiliated PhD Fellow at Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics, BECCLE.

My primary interests lie within applied theoretical industrial organisation, with a focus on two-sided platform markets, media markets with multihoming consumers, and vertical relations.

My supervisors are Øystein Foros, and Malin Arve.

Email: ole.dyskeland@nhh.no. And my CV is here.

  • Two-sided platform markets
  • Media market with consumer multihoming
  • Vertical relations
  • Strategic competition
  • PhD in Business Economics, (expected 2025)

    NHH Norwegian School of Economics

  • MSc in Economics and Business Administration, 2020

    NHH Norwegian School of Economics

  • BSc (Hons.) in Economics, Finance and International Business, 2017

    Oxford Brookes University

Teaching Experience

PhD Teaching Assistant

At NHH Norwegian School of Economics.

🇳🇴 BUS400N: Styring av Større Foretak (Management Control, Master)

Course Responsible: Iver Bragelien. Autumn 2021, 2022, 2023. Assignment feedback and exam marking.

🇳🇴 BUS438: Strategisk Organisering og Konkurranse (Strategic Organisation and Competition, Master)

Course Responsible: Øystein Foros. Spring 2023, 2024. Exam grading.

🇬🇧 FIE441: Taxes and Business Strategy (Master)

Course Responsible: Elisa Casi-Eberhard. Spring 2022, 2023, 2024.

Educational Podcast Producer 🎙️

For the 2020 and 2021 iterations of the NHH undergraduate microeconomics course I produced the SAM2-podden podcast together with Ada Gjedebo Hetland. It is available on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify. Project started in connection with being teaching assistant for SAM2 (below).

Master Teaching Assistant

At NHH Norwegian School of Economics.

🇳🇴 SAM2: Mikroøkonomi (Microeconomics, Bachelor/Undergraduate)

Course Responsible: Kjetil Bjorvatn. Spring 2020

🇬🇧 ECN402: Econometrics (Master)

Course Responsible: Morten Sæthre. Spring 2020

Bachelor/Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (2015-17)

At Oxford Brookes university.

🇬🇧 Microeconomics 2 (Bachelor/Undergraduate)

🇬🇧 Quantitative Techniques for Economics and Finance 1 (Bachelor/Undergraduate)

Pedagogy training

50h “pedagogy for PhD students” course at NHH winter 2024.

8h “pedagogy for master TAs” course at NHH 2020.


NHH Norwegian School of Economics
PhD Research Scholar
August 2021 – Present Bergen, Norway
Four year PhD scholarship at the department of business and management science, with 25 % teacing duties.
Committee for Gender Balance and Diversity in Research (KIF Committee)
Deputy member
February 2023 – Present Oslo, Norway
Deputy member to the Kif committee adminsitered at Universities Norway, representing the Association of Doctoral Organisations in Norway, SiN.
Association of Doctoral Organisations in Norway
January 2023 – December 2023 Norway
SiN in as an umbrella organization for interest organisations for doctoral candidates and postdocs at Norwegian universities. We helped the local organisations at the individual institutions work together. However, primarily we work as a voice for PhD candidates and postdocs on political issues concerning education, research and other issues of relevance for the member organisations.
Directorate of Mining with Commissioner of Mines at Svalbard
Economic Advisor
August 2020 – July 2021 Trondheim, Norway
Worked as economist in the section for mineral extraction.
Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Govenment Economic Service (GES) Intern & part-time
June 2016 – May 2017 Newport, Wales
Was a GES intern summer 2016 in section for prices development on project for price indices by using high-frequency webscraped data for foodstuffs. Worked part times for the 2016-17 academic year on same project.


Mostly PhD candidate representation

(2024). Vi trenger (fortsatt) en nasjonal portal for doktorgradskurs. Khrono, op-ed.

Source Document

(2024). Should all PhD candidates learn Norwegian? We are concerned. sciencenorway, op-ed.

Source Document

(2023). Forskningsetisk forum 2023: Hvordan sikre god veiledning?. Forskningsetisk forum, presentasjon.

Source Document

(2023). Tanker til nye veiledere. Khrono, op-ed.

Source Document
